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Why Book with us?
‣ Book Now Pay Later
Booking from £50 just! Rest pay within 3 Days
‣ Flight Deals
Great packages on Flights at your favorite destinations
‣ Best Price Guarantee
We’ll guarantee to beat the prices of any of our competitors
‣ 24/7 Excellent Support
Support and all your queries answered with a fast response time!
What customers love at Tour Buddies is that everyone can book their trip by paying just £50 as an initial deposit. The balance amount is payed within 3 days (given that your are booking your flight 30days ahead). 3 days is actually the time frame of remaining balance. If customer makes a payment within 3 days, we issue the ticket, If customer wish to cancel the reservation, we refund the initial deposit without any hidden charges. So you have your peace of mind at any situation of your booking for your favourite travel destination.
24/7 Customer Support